Saturday, February 4, 2012

Archery Range

It has been at least 10 years since I actively practiced my archery skills. I decided that it was time to change that. This is why I set up an archery range at Tami's parent's place. Their place is on about an acre (maybe more) and there is nothing but trees behind the property. So I took a couple boxes from our move and piled them up to give a good target.

Unlike the traditional techniques that every scout learns at camp I am trying to learn how to shoot like the bowyer Tom Turgeon. I also plan on making my own bow at some point in the future. It does not seem like that it would be too complicated, but I would want to use the correct tools to make it easier. That means I need to wait a little bit until I can get everything. So until then I will practice shooting while I am out here.

For more info check out


  1. Googled around and found a place that has links for woods to make the bow. The article sounded like it was trying to get you to buy the kit. Sounds like a nice project. :)
