Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Common Sense Incarnate

The other day I saw an article in time about a book written by a sustainable farmer. That evening I found the first chapter available for download in iBooks. I started reading it and I cannot stop. The book is called Folks, This Ain't Normal. It is all about practices that have become common place that even 50 years ago would be considered completely absurd. From the way that we get food at the store to the way that we prepare food at home. From the way children are allowed to basically run free to the way that half the things that kids have done for hundreds of years are now considered unsafe.

He discusses many different topics but he does not just point fingers saying that everything is wrong. He also proposes solutions that could easily be adopted, that would also have a great impact. His overall goal is for people to adopt a more sustainable and responsible way of eating. Less corporate agriculture, more gardens at home. Less waste, more proper use of the waste that is unavoidable. The best thing that I think I like about his book is that his suggestions are not only for people that have a large amount of land that they can farm and raise their own livestock. He gives ideas for urbanites that are in a high rise. He gives ideas that could be applied in most families if we were willing to spend a little less time with the TV and a little more doing something more productive.

If you took the time to read all of this you have to check out the book. Go to and read the first chapter that is posted for free. I am not even saying that you have to buy the book. You could pick it up at the library instead (which would also satisfy my need for people to relearn to love the library). Just check it out.

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