Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Just Grow Something

I love to garden. I am still learning, and trying to figure what works best, but it is something that I find fascinating. It used to be that everyone had a garden. It was just part of life. Now we are at a point where very few people have gardens. I want to change that. I do not expect everyone to convert half of the back yards into gardens. Even if your garden is a single pot with your favorite herb I would be content.

To make this possible I am going to suggest a simple plan to get you started. Next time you are out shopping near a Home Depot or Lowes buy a small cheap pot and a small bag of soil. Next decide on a plant that would work for you. For the purpose of this disscussion I am going to suggest green onions. Now I am not talking about starting from scratch. I am talking about you taking the green onions out of your vegetable drawer in your fridge cutting off the green part, leaving about 1-2 inches from the root and stick those in a pot with soil. Add water and you are done.

They are a rather forgiving plant and they will grow well enough that most people could completely stop buying green onion completely. Watering them is easy. Every 2-3 days add water when it is a little dry. They are pretty hard to overwater, and if they get a little dry they bounce back quickly.

If you are a little more adventurous go with a larger pot and add in a tomato plant, basil, or another favorite plant. Below is the small garden that we did over the summer. In a short two months it went from the small garden on top to the larger garden on bottom. It cost about $25 and we got more green onion and basil then we could use.

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