Friday, October 14, 2011

Free Books!

When we were all kids one, of the coolest things was going to the library. But often at some undetermined age we forget how cool the library is to us. Think about it. It is a place that buys very expensive things and then lets you take them for a month free of charge (that is if we remember to bring it back on time).

If you have been around me in the past 2 months you have probably heard me say that I cannot wait to be done with school. I want to clarify that statement. I cannot wait to be done with people telling me what to learn. Most of the time it is irrelevant to me and my life. There are some classes that I have chosen to take where almost everything is important. There are classes that I have chosen where some of the material is important. Then there are the classes that we have to take that do not even come close to being relevant.

The library on the other hand lets you choose what you want to learn. I think that sometimes we forget that the internet has not yet gotten to the point of replacing libraries. Yes much of the same material can be found online, and for somethings that are really new or change frequently can only be found online. However much of human knowledge has been written down and organized neatly in our libraries. Yes the internet is more convenient but the library can be much more powerful. More can be learned from the correct book in a couple hours than a couple days of online searches.

Trust me go to the library and find something that you want to read and or learn about. It is so much fun and so much better than learning from school.

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